The Registered Brand column returns the Company name or Sub-Brand assigned to the Product entered into the Product Taxonomy screen or falls back to the Registered Brand name in the e-commerce channel ...continue reading
Below you'll find definitions for all columns available via the Customise button the on Sales by Product report. Click the Customise button to add and remove data points to answer your questions.
The Registered Brand column returns the Company name or Sub-Brand assigned to the Product entered into the Product Taxonomy screen or falls back to the Registered Brand name in the e-commerce channel ...continue reading
The Buy Box Status shows whether your Amazon Seller Central or Amazon Vendor Central account was winning on the Buy Box on a particular day. The Buy Box Status is time-dependent and always displayed ...continue reading
When configuring a product to be solved on Amazon, the Product Listing is assigned a category from the Browse Tree. Correctly configuring the Category for Product will help ensure shoppers find it.continue reading
Ignite by Acorn-i monitor Best Seller Rankings for all your active Product Listings. Category Rank One shows your position within Category Rank. Category Rank One is time-dependent and always ...continue reading
The same rules for Category Rank One apply to Category Rank Two.
Category Two is the same concept as Category One but at a much lower level. Typically this is the lowest Category assigned to your Product Listing. Examples may include Breakfast Cereal, Bluetooth ...continue reading
The Channel name is Vendor Name, and Country Code combined. This column highlights the e-commerce or Advertising channel's name and country or union.
It’s possible to report by the manufactured colour entered on the product list.
When the product type is Grocery or Pet Food, it’s possible to report the flavour stored on the Product Listing.
The type of service used to dispatch a package to the customer. For example, fulfilment services would include Fulfilment by Amazon or Fulfilment by Merchant.
When there are several variations for a single product, an e-commerce Manager may create a Parent Product to roll up the data to report sales for an entire range of products. Typically when there are ...continue reading
The unique ID for a Parent Product.
The name of the Brand or Merchant configured in Ignite by Acorn-i.
The price column will return the retail price paid by a shopper. Price is time-dependent and always displayed as of the last day of the date range. Ignite by Acorn-i can perform currency conversion ...continue reading
The Product column returns the omnichannel Product name entered into the Product Taxonomy screen or falls back to the Search Engine Optimised name visible to shoppers on the Product Detail Page in ...continue reading
The Product Action column returns the omnichannel Product Action entered into the Product Taxonomy screen for grouping several products around a common usage by the customer. It's an optional free ...continue reading
The unique ID for your Product, for products listed on Amazon, the Product ID will be the ASIN or ISBN. In other e-commerce channels, the Product ID will be the unique database ID for the Product.
The Product Line column returns the omnichannel Product Line name entered into the Product Taxonomy screen for grouping several product varations around a common theme. It's an optional free text ...continue reading
The Product Packaging column returns the omnichannel Product Action entered into the Product Taxonomy screen for grouping several products around different packaging formats. For example,continue reading
The Product Range column returns the omnichannel Product Range name entered into the Product Taxonomy screen for grouping several products around a common theme. It's an optional free text field for ...continue reading
The Product Size column returns the omnichannel Product Size entered into the Product Taxonomy screen for grouping several products around different formats. For example, 125ml, 330ml, 500ml or 1l.continue reading
The Product Title column returns the Search Engine Optimised name visible to shoppers on the Product Detail Page in the e-commerce channel.
The Product Type column returns the omnichannel Product Type entered into the Product Taxonomy screen or falls back to the Product Type in the e-commerce channel when there isn't a preferred Product ...continue reading
The Registered Brand column returns the Company name or Sub-Brand assigned to the Product in the e-commerce channel. For marketplaces like Amazon, entering the correct Brand name for each Product ...continue reading
The SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, is the unique ID assigned to a product by an e-commerce Manager to differentiate stock for internal inventory tracking and reporting.
The technology company name.
The percentage of Sales Total for a combination of dimensions, calculated as Sales over Sales Total times by 100 (Sales / Sales Total) * 100.
Advertising Cost Of Sale is a helpful measure to identify the effectiveness of advertising, calculated as Ad Spend over Ad Sales times by one hundred (Ad Spend / Ad Sales) * 100.
The Sales by Product screen can display the number of Ad Orders attributed by Amazon Ads to a particular Product Listing by Channel, Product ID and SKU. This allows you to highlight the performance ...continue reading
The sales revenue attributed to a retail advertising.
The percentage of sales revenue attributed to a retail advertising. Ad Sales % is Ad Sales over Sales times by one hundred (Ad Sales / Sales) * 100.
The like-for-like difference when comparing Ad Sales with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The like-for-like percentage difference when comparing Ad Sales with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The amount of money spent on advertising a product or service during the select date range.
The like-for-like difference when comparing Ad Spend with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The like-for-like percentage difference when comparing Ad Spend with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The Sales by Product screen can display the number of Ad Units Sold attributed by Amazon Ads to a particular Product Listing by Channel, Product ID and SKU. This allows you to highlight the ...continue reading
The percentage of time the Partner was winning the Buy Box and benefited from “Add to Basket” and “Buy Now” buttons on an Amazon Product Detail Page.
Click Conversion Rate is the percentage of clicks that resulted in a conversion, calculated as Ad Orders over Clicks times one hundred (Ad Orders / Clicks) * 100.
Cost Per Acquisition is the average amount pair of an outcome, calculated as Ad Spend over Ad Orders (Ad Spend / Ad Orders).
Cost Per Click is the average amount paid for a click, calculated as Ad Spend divided by the number of Clicks (Ad Spend / Clicks).
Cost Per Mille (CPM), also known as Cost Per Thousand (CPT), is the cost of buying a thousand impressions, calculated as Ad Spend over Impressions times by one thousand (Ad Spend / Impressions) * ...continue reading
Click Through Rate is the percentage of shoppers who've seen and clicked it, calculated as Clicks over Impressions times one hundred (Clicks / Impressions) * 100.
The number of times shoppers clicked on one or more advertisements during the selected date range.
Glance Views show the number of times a Product Detail Page was viewed by shoppers on Amazon.
Glance Views Conversion Rate show the percentage of Product Detail Page views the resulted in a purchase. The Conversion Rate is calculated as Units Sold over Glance Views (Units Sold / Glance Views) ...continue reading
The number of times an advertisement was served to potential customers during the selected date range.
Net Pure Product Margin or Net PPM is Amazon Vendor Central's product profitability measurement after subtracting the cost of goods, vendor funding, and sales discounts.
The like-for-like difference when comparing Net PPM with the previous Month, Quarter or Year.
The like-for-like percentage difference when comparing Net PPM with the previous Month, Quarter or Year.
The Orders for the selected date range.
The like-for-like difference when comparing Orders with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The like-for-like percentage difference when comparing Orders with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The number of orders without direct influence by advertising, retail promotions or subscriptions.
The sales revenue that wasn't directly influence by advertising, retail promotions or subscriptions.
The percentage of sales revenue that wasn't directly influence by advertising, retail promotions or subscriptions. Organic Sales % is Organic Sales over Sales times by one hundred (Organic Sales / ...continue reading
The like-for-like difference when comparing Organic Sales with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The like-for-like percentage difference when comparing Organic Sales with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The number of units sold without direct influence by advertising, retail promotions or subscriptions
The number of orders attributed to a retail promotion for a particular Channel, Product ID and SKU.
The sales revenue attributed to a retail promotion.
The percentage of sales revenue attributed to a retail promotion. Promotion Sales % is Promotion Sales over Sales times by one hundred (Promotion Sales / Sales) * 100.
The like-for-like difference when comparing Promotion Sales with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The like-for-like percentage difference when comparing Promotion Sales with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The number of units sold attributed to a retail promotion for a particular Channel, Product ID and SKU.
Return On Ad Spend is a helpful measure to identify the effectiveness of advertising, calculated as Ad Sales divided by Ad Spend (Ad Sales / Ad Spend).
The retail price paid by shoppers for the selected date range.
The like-for-like difference when comparing Sales with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The like-for-like percentage difference when comparing Sales with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
To correctly record the sales tax, it's critical to apply the appropriate tax code to each non-zero-rated Product Listing in an integrated e-commerce platform. Unfortunately, Ignite by Acorn-i cannot ...continue reading
The percentage of on-hand inventory sold during the selected date range. It’s calculated as Units Sold divided by Units Inbound plus Units Reserved plus Units Available plus Units Sold ( Units Sold / ...continue reading
The revenue using the wholesale price of the units dispatched to the shopper.
The sales revenue of the units dispatched to the shopper.
The number of units dispatched to the shopper.
The cost incurred shipping your products to customers during the select date range.
The number of orders attributed to a retail subscription for a particular Channel, Product ID and SKU. For example Subscribe And Save. This is information is avaiable for Amazon Seller Central,continue reading
The sales revenue attributed to a retail subscription such as Subscribe and Save.
The percentage of sales revenue attributed to a retail subscription such as Subscribe and Save. Subscription Sales % is Subscription Sales over Sales times by one hundred (Subscription Sales / Sales) ...continue reading
The like-for-like difference when comparing Subscription Sales with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The like-for-like percentage difference when comparing Subscription Sales with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The number of units sold attributed to a retail subscription for a particular Channel, Product ID and SKU. This is information is avaiable for Amazon Seller Central, Shopify and WooCommerce.
Total Advertising Cost of Sales is a helpful measure to identify the expense of advertising strategies and contemplate its impact on channel profitability. TACOS is Ad Spend over Sales times by one ...continue reading
Total Return On Ad Spend is a helpful measure to identify the expense of advertising strategies and contemplate its impact on channel profitability. TROAS is Sales divided by Ad Spend (Sales / Ad ...continue reading
Shows the number of units stored in a fulfilment centre ready to be sold. The Units Available value is time-dependent and always displayed as of the last day of the date range.
The number of units on their way to a fulfilment centre to become ready for sale. The Units Inbound value is time-dependent and always shown as of the last day of the date range.
The Units Sold for the selected date range.
The like-for-like difference when comparing Units Sold with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
The like-for-like percentage difference when comparing Units Sold with the previous Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.