Which Timezone does Ignite use for reporting?
Timezones can add considerable complexity when assessing data from multiple markets and technologies. So we've designed Ignite to automatically display your data in the market's local Timezone to eliminate this reoccurring pain point. For example, France and German use Central European Time. The United Kingdom is Greenwich Mean Time. The only anomaly is the United States of America, which uses Pacific Time, and the standard approach used by Amazon, and other technology providers, for daily reporting in the continental USA.
By reporting e-commerce and Advertising data in the Channel's local Timezone, it's possible to compare and contrast the same Hour of Day across markets. For example, 10 am in Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Lastly, if you'd like to look up the Timezone assigned to your Channel, you can include the Timezone column in the Orders report of the Sales module.