Stock Forecast Algorithm
Stock Management is an important topic. Everything stops if there is nothing in the fulfilment warehouse available for sale. Running out of stock also impacts advertising. For example, it's impossible to run adverts for Amazon Sponsored Products when your Product Listing is unfulfillable.
Fortunately, Robert can assess more than just advertising datasets from Amazon Ads. For example, based on your retail performance, Robert can predict whether the onhand inventory for a particular Product Listing will run out in the coming seven days. Where we're confident a Product Listing will go offline soon, it's advantageous to deactivate the Product Ads for the particular ASIN across all the related Sponsored Product campaigns before the available stock reaches zero. Doing so makes it possible to protect your ROAS and keeps the Product Listing open for longer to continue winning the Buy Box. Once the Product Listing is replenished, the Product Ads paused by Robert will be reactivated.