What is a Recency Segment?

What is a Recency Segment?

A recency segment divides your customers based on the elapsed time between each purchase. Once complete, you can analyse your customers based on those labelled Active, Inactive, Lapsed and Lost.

Segment Definitions

An algorithm sets these segments dynamically by analysing the buying habits of the brand's customers and provides unique insights. Therefore, our approach segmentation doesn't have fixed boundaries, allowing Ignite to account for differences in purchasing behaviours observed across categories.


Customers actively engaged with the brand are set as Active because they've recently purchased. The Active window will vary by Partner and Category but typically has an upper limit of between 60 and 90 days.


The Inactive recency window covers customers previously classified as Active and who have stopped purchasing.


The Lapsed segment highlights customers who haven't purchased for an extended period and are likely already lost.


The customers have been classified as Lost because they last purchased over 12 months ago.